Tuesday, May 6, 2008


This is my first journal entry and I will be updating it daily to fill you all in on my busy life :)

As you can see, a few changes have been made to my site. There's now a members area where you can access hi-res pictures, hi-def videos, tune in to my live webcam chat weekly (schedule coming soon), get my personal screen name to chat with me, and much more! I am so excited to have you all on here and I hope you'll enjoy it, too!

One main reason I decided to have a Journal page was so that you all can check out what I'm up to without logging onto myspace - besides, with the way my accounts keep getting deleted, I wanted there to be a place where you all can still contact me and hear what's up from me, first hand.

Any questions, comments, concerns, ideas, etc. can be sent to Webmaster@MissGenna.com.

EXTRAS: I am now getting a lot of submissions of artworks, pictures, etc. from fans and I would like to eventually make a section for that, too. For now those items will be updated on to my myspace page, but once I figure things out for my site I will hold a "contest" type thing, and weekly winners' submissions will be posted on my homepage!!! Yaaaaay. :)

So after a long day at school then helping my boyfriend with the final touches of my newly updated site, it's time to go to the store to figure out what's for dinner.

Talk to you all sooooooon!

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