Friday, May 16, 2008


Where to begin.
Well I woke up yesterday to a phone call scheduling a meeting to be interviewed by a major magazine so I spent most of my morning getting ready.

After the meeting, I had to change clothes in the car hahaha and go to the Orange County Museum of Art for my Art term paper. Let me tell you - the exhibits they currently have are not only weird and freaky, but they mess with your mind. I couldnt stay in there. Weird music and weird noises and lighting and sculptures. Not to mention the freaks that worked there that were staring at me like I was from some other planet.

After I got all the info I needed, I was out of there. With a headache. And a tummy ache. Ugghh.

Then we ate pickup stix, went back to my house where I shaved my legs and got ready for my tanning sesh. $60 a month and I've gone what, twice in the 3 months I've had it!

Anyway, I "double-dipped" or as Lindsay Lohan calls it at Sunset tan, "cocktail"...meaning, I went in a bed first to open my pores, then I did a mystic tan. Love it.

After that was done with, we went to a 9:20 showing of "What Happens in Vegas" (if you havent seen it, see it - if you have, see it again)...but I shouldnt have gotten a medium popcorn. I ate sooo much but everytime I looked down, it seemed more would appear in the box. Ughh. but the bluee slurpeee was goooooood. :)

SO after what seemed like a never ending day, I finally laid down and feel asleep smelling like mystic tan and watching Jay Leno.


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