Saturday, December 27, 2008


Helllllllo there! I finally had a few minutes to sit down and answer some general questions for you all to read my responses so I dont have to answer each person with the same answers. :) Feel free to ask more, and I will update! Thanks!

"What's your REAL name?"
-My real name is Genna. It isnt short for anything. And my last name's a secret...VERY FEW know it :). My name is pronounced like JENNA...not GEENA/GINA! It is Jenna spelled with a G so pleaaase get it right when you write or talk to me!

"How can I book you for an event or shoot?"
-This is a good question! You can contact me via email:, you can fill out my booking form on the contact page of my website:, you can IM me: MissGennaDOTcom or simply send me a message on my myspace; however I tend to get a busy schedule so please send me things a couple weeks in advance so I have time to respond to your message and be booked. Please also include compensation, travel fees/accomodations, etc.

"How tall are you, for real?"
-Hahaha this is a commonly asked question. Doctor says I'm 5'2" but no one believes it. I had to lie on my driver's license test cuz at the time I stood 4'11" tall and they would put restrictions on my driving abilities. I do photograph very tall dont be shocked when you meet me in person!

"How do you stay so skinny?"
-Ok one NEEDS to be this skinny! I hate the stereotype that girls need to be tiny. Some people dont like my body size, that's fine....I cant help it. I eat 24/7 and BIG meals. I AM 93 pounds! I do not lie! My mom has always told me if I hit 100 she'll take me on a shopping spree...but even with my boobs I'm 7 pounds behind! I'm not much into sweets except for the occasional ice cream or candy maybe that's how? I RARELY excercise but I am constantly on my feet at work so it pays I have a very high metabolism! I am NOT anorexic, bulemic, etc. I think food is LIFE and I cannot live without it!!!!! If you put something in front of me, dont look away otherwise it'll be gone!

"Where did you get your boobs done?"
-I got my surgery done by Dr. Rey on E!'s Dr. 90210. He is awesome. My saline trans-umbilical (through the belly button) implants left no scar, are perfectly symmetrical, under the muscle and I had them filled to 425cc's which puts me at a large C cup. They were $7,500...and yes it was painful considering I went from a small A. But if you are looking for a fast recovery and a great job, go to Dr. Rey!

"What kind of car do you drive?"
-I bet anyone could guess this one! I drive a 2008 convertible VW beetle. It's cream with a tan top. It's super cute :) You'll know it's me when you look at the license plate "MZ GENNA"!

"Do you have any tattoos, cool scars or birthmarks?"
-I do not currently have any tattoos...I am thinking hard about what I want to get in remembrance of my dad that passed away...but I want it to be perfect so until then, I'm holding out. I dont have any COOL scars, just ones from falling or shaving hahahaha. I have a cute birthmark on my left cheek. My mom calls it a beauty mark. I also have a birthmark on my right pinky.

"Have you done playboy? Porn?"
-Ok now's time to get this clear: I AM NOT A PORNSTAR! Nor do I want to be! Nothing against them, it is just not me. I have been contacted by Playboy but have held off because there are some other things I'd like to accomplish first, and I feel that Playboy should be the marker for the end of my carreer to close that chapter.

"Is modeling your full time job?"
-NONONO! I would LOVE for it to be...buttttt I am a assistant manager of a teen clothing store...I am a full time student...I model...and I do hair and makeup! Making people look and feel beautiful is my true passion! book me now at:

"Do you gogo dance?"
-I would LOVE to get into it, if I had the time! Also I'd need some pointers on how to shake it! Hahahahaha. I duno if I'm very coordinated in the "dancing" sense! Lol.

"Are you allergic to anything?"
-Ironically I am not allergic to any foods, however I am allergic to almost every prescription drug on earth! Anything related to penicillin, etc.! So when I'm sick, it sucks. I gotta wait it out, sometimes takes weeks or even months. I am also allergic to grass and bee stings.

...Please feel free to ask more...I'll post my answers ASAP. :)

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