Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Guitar Hero Champion

So as many of you may not know, I have discovered guitar hero. I think it is the best game ever. Although it is pretty difficult to go in to medium level because my fingers are to tiny it's hard to stretch them that far across all the buttons hahaha. The only song I'm really good at now is "Cherry Pie". Everything else is hard hahahahahaha. So anyways, we created a video of my first experience and posted it in my youtube channel:, and I will be posting it on my site soon.

Anyway, at the Extreme Autofest Car show 2 weeks ago in Anaheim there was a bright yellow bug with guitar hero systems and tv's built into the trunk! So I got challenged by some kids to play. Hold on let me try and find a picture of it ahahaha....Here's some of the pictures this one guy took of me in a short skirt and bikini top with 7 inch heals playing it hahahahaha.

So the point to my discussion was to create a good visual for you all, and to maybe get some feedback on how you'd feel if I decided to do a sexy photoshoot with the guitar hero game...I'm thinkin' it'll be a hit :)


Friday, August 8, 2008

Sexy Schoolgirl

I am such a busy girl, kids! I am trying to write down as many notes as possible as each day goes by in hopes of transferring them into blogs for you all to read!

So on my list of potential posts are my recent school updates. I am proud to annouce that after 3 grueling years at community college and filling out tons of paperwork, I have submitted my application to Cal-State Fullerton and HOPEFULLY will be attending in January 2009 to finish my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration! Ahhh! So nervous considering I was about to drop out and pursue my dream at Paul Mitchell! But you see, I knew these past years at community college weren't a waste of time; I'm not as blonde/stupid as most may think! Hehehe. Keep your fingers crossed for me, I'll let you know as soon as I know if I got in!!!

Site Construction

Hey loves!
Long time no...uh, write? Haha anyway, how are you all? I am so happy to say that I have so many subscribers now! I hope you are all enjoying my site.

A few things to go over: I am sorry I'm not updating as much as promised, and that the webcam chats have not yet been scheduled. I am having some difficulties with my server and web programming systems, so I will let you know when the good stuff's released, until then I appreciate your patience, you will not be let down :)

On the other hand, I am beginning the process of a new web layout/design which will have tons of new features and will make your experience a more functional one. Sit tight!!! :)
