Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Wow so today started off with me waking up to my alarm to get ready for my photoshoot. The shoot went rather well, so we decided to do a couple other sets. After we finished, we were on our way to the Sprint Springs headquarters to do another shoot. On the way, we stopped to get slurpees. :) Blue ones are my favorite! Anyways, the SS crew was awesome as always, and we finished the shoot around 9:30pm.

On our way home, we had too meet up with Ash from UrbZoo to give him back the pair of shoes we used, then we decided to get In-n-Out for dinner. On our way there, we were listening to the Tim Conway Jr. show and the topic was "Things you've never done your whole life in California". People were saying they've never gone to Disneyland, etc. so I called in and told him I've lived right near the beach my whole life but never learned how to surf! They liked my answer so much I won a game for X-box! HAHAAHHAHA!

Anyway, after going through the drive-thru we decided to wait to eat until we got to my house which was SUPPOSED TO BE only a few minutes away. After a few wrong turns and not knowing where the toll road entrance was, something slammed into the car. We immediately stopped, and I looked up and saw 2 kids running! We pulled into the community and ran down the street trying to find the kids with no luck. THEN, just as we started walking back, we saw an applesauce carton exploded on the floor. As we picked it up, two kids came out of no where and started asking us if "kids were throwing stuff again" psh we knew it was them! Anyway, Mike scared them by saying his dad is a cop and were gunna get the applesauce fingerprinted! We got into the car and waited for the kids to walk a little, then we made a circle to appear like we were leaving, then as we turned we saw them running full-speed down another street, so we bolted after them and saw them jump over a fence! Mike got out of the car and chased them as I called the cops. After about 10 minutes of waiting, Mike victoriously came back over the fence with their bike! HAHHAHAHHAHAHHA. The cops came and took the bike, etc and that's that! Even if those bitches dont get caught, then they still dont have a bike!

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