Friday, July 11, 2008

Miss SpoCom 2008

“Miss SpoCom 2008” - Article written by Me for feature.

This day was like any other car show day – waking up early to get ready and be on the road to get my boyfriend to the show in time set up and clean his car before the convention center’s doors were opened to the public. As I packed my bag I decided on a one-piece bathing suit for the bikini contest…being myself and not needing to wear a micro-bikini makes me more comfortable and most importantly, more believable. In the car my nerves were getting the best of me, but my excitement for this event and its surprises had me smiling ear to ear. I remember my conscience telling me “I need to win this thing” – not for the money, but to set an example most importantly. I had heard there were “no rules” for the contest, so I knew that my conservatism wouldn’t do anything but set me apart from the rest of the competition – for better or worse.

We arrived just in time for me to check in and get ready for a quick photo shoot before I had to be down at the ProMotion distributing booth to meet and greet my peers and fans. As I entered the main hall, I was instantly noticed, and people from every direction were calling my name and waving to me. I already felt like a celebrity. As I made my way to my booth, I realized what the buzz for me was all about; I passed the ColorDigital Graphics booth which had two bigger-than-life-sized banners of ME, then I glanced at the Sprint Springs booth which had three different posters of me in them! Everyone knew who I was and what I was here to do.

Throughout the day, the SpoCom staff was adamant about making sure the models were treated like princesses and as comfortable as possible. I’d never had this “star treatment” before, and I was liking it! Just before we all were escorted up to the model dressing room to get ready for the contest, Randi Bentia from PASMAG approached my table with some magazines with my boyfriend’s car feature and picture of me in it. This calmed my nerves and I jokingly asked him what it takes to be a featured model on the site.

After taking a “lucky shot” of Belvedere with my girls, I loosened up and we started getting ready and going over the contest rules. It was made clear that no thongs were allowed, and no “booty shaking, dancing, or making out [I didn’t know some people were actually that desperate to win?] was permitted - I was relieved to hear that. I glanced around the room at my competition - 11 other beautiful, accomplished ladies in this industry, and was honored to be amongst them, competing for the same title. We were escorted to the stage and given numbers – and to my surprise I was number 11 – my lucky number. I thought luck was on my side until I started hearing the answers some of the girls gave to the “interesting facts” questions we had to fill out about ourselves before the competition…and after hearing “my favorite food are hot dogs”, “I sleep naked”, and “my favorite thing to do is watch sports and drink beer” (to name a few), I almost decided not to go through with the competition since my answers consisted of “I can eat more than you can”, “I love to trick out my VW beetle”, and “I can cuss in Russian”…but then again, the ultimate decision was based on judges this time, not the crowd – so at least I knew it was fair and square.

When the second and first runners-up were announced, I just stood smiling on that stage – “I need to win this” repeated over and over again in my head. I could see that tiara sparkling and the silk sash – nothing can describe the longing within my heart. The prize money was a plus - I have to pay for school coming up real soon – but I wanted that crown. When I heard Alexia say the winner is number 11, I didn’t think for a minute that it was ME. I hesitated to see if any one else stepped up to receive the prize…and they didn’t. I stepped right up to the front…and was crowned “Miss SpoCom 2008”! I was in such shock I didn’t realize what was going on – especially when two other girls that didn’t win this time stepped in front of me to wave to the crowd like “we should’ve won”…..but honestly….it might sound superficial coming from the winner herself, but I think it was well deserved. It just goes to prove that I don’t have to make up answers just cuz people want to hear them, and wearing a one-piece can be sexy.
Not being congratulated by many of the models did disappoint me, because I am usually the one who congratulates everyone right away – but it just goes to show who your real friends are and that competition gets at the best of us…but I didn’t let it ruin my glory. Tons of press and pictures followed as I entered the Sprint Springs booth for the remainder of the show. Amongst the excitement and chaos, Randi approached me again to congratulate me and take a few shots, and I jokingly said,”So NOW do I get a feature?” hahahahaha, so it turns out winning was good enough to get me here to write this article.

I guess the moral of my story is that “you don’t have to try to be someone you’re not just to get noticed”…and “patience is a virtue”…I guess that’s two morals…hahaha but you get my points. I still can’t believe I won; I have never won anything in my life! Well, nothing like THIS! I am so honored to be crowned “Miss SpoCom 2008” and I am proud to have won it just being my-goofy-REAL-self. YOU can do it to! I hope you all enjoy my feature and you WILL be hearing and seeing more of me soon.

Special thanks to Randi and Marc at for the opportunity to share my story with you all. Thanks to Tricia and Jonathan with ProMotion distributing, and Sprint Springs. Without you guys none of this would be possible. Thanks to SpoCom and the staff for putting together another successful show with many more to come. To my boyfriend, Mike for being my constant support, and for loving me for me – win or lose, rain or shine, up or down. I love you so much. My wonderful family for loving me and never judging me. And my fans, without your constant support and love I would NOT have the drive or confidence to do what I am doing today!
For more pictures, info, etc…visit my website:
or my myspace page: .
Miss Genna

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Wow so today started off with me waking up to my alarm to get ready for my photoshoot. The shoot went rather well, so we decided to do a couple other sets. After we finished, we were on our way to the Sprint Springs headquarters to do another shoot. On the way, we stopped to get slurpees. :) Blue ones are my favorite! Anyways, the SS crew was awesome as always, and we finished the shoot around 9:30pm.

On our way home, we had too meet up with Ash from UrbZoo to give him back the pair of shoes we used, then we decided to get In-n-Out for dinner. On our way there, we were listening to the Tim Conway Jr. show and the topic was "Things you've never done your whole life in California". People were saying they've never gone to Disneyland, etc. so I called in and told him I've lived right near the beach my whole life but never learned how to surf! They liked my answer so much I won a game for X-box! HAHAAHHAHA!

Anyway, after going through the drive-thru we decided to wait to eat until we got to my house which was SUPPOSED TO BE only a few minutes away. After a few wrong turns and not knowing where the toll road entrance was, something slammed into the car. We immediately stopped, and I looked up and saw 2 kids running! We pulled into the community and ran down the street trying to find the kids with no luck. THEN, just as we started walking back, we saw an applesauce carton exploded on the floor. As we picked it up, two kids came out of no where and started asking us if "kids were throwing stuff again" psh we knew it was them! Anyway, Mike scared them by saying his dad is a cop and were gunna get the applesauce fingerprinted! We got into the car and waited for the kids to walk a little, then we made a circle to appear like we were leaving, then as we turned we saw them running full-speed down another street, so we bolted after them and saw them jump over a fence! Mike got out of the car and chased them as I called the cops. After about 10 minutes of waiting, Mike victoriously came back over the fence with their bike! HAHHAHAHHAHAHHA. The cops came and took the bike, etc and that's that! Even if those bitches dont get caught, then they still dont have a bike!